J.E. Cairnes School of Business & Economics

The J.E. Cairnes School of Business & Economics is located at NUI Galway. It is named after a former lecturer at the University, the economist John Elliott Cairnes. It provides Undergraduate and Postgraduate programmes.

The School, previously known as Faculty of Commerce, has grown rapidly in recent years to 2,000 undergraduate and postgraduate students and a permanent teaching staff of 62 spread across the Disciplines of Accountancy and Finance, Economics, Management and Marketing. A new building, the Cairnes Building was funded by grants from the Higher Education Authority and private donors, particularly Atlantic Philanthropies. The Cairnes Building houses teaching programmes and a number of research centres.


Undergrad Degrees

The School offers the following undergraduate degrees

B. Commerce
B. Commerce (International)
B. Commerce (Accounting)
B.Sc. Business Information Systems

Postgrad Degrees

Master of Accounting
Msc (International Management)
Executive Master of Business Administration
MSc: Corporate Strategy & People Management
MSc: Industrial Relations & Human Resource Management
MSc in Technology Management
Higher Diploma in Business Studies
Higher Diploma in Management
Master of Economic Science: Economic Policy Evaluation & Planning
Master of Economic Science: International Finance
Master of Economic Science: Economic and Environmental Modelling
Higher Diploma in Economic Science

MSc in Health Economics

Information Systems
M.Sc. (Information Systems Management)
Master of Business Studies: Electronic Commerce
Master of Science (Business Information Systems)
MSc. Marketing
Higher Diploma in Marketing Practice
Research Programmes
Master of Commerce Full-Time
Master of Commerce Part-Time
MPhil Full-time
MPhil Part-time
PhD - Full-time
PhD - Part-time


Research is undertaken in the School within the University's Thematic Priority of Applied Social Science and Public Policy. It houses the Centre or Innovation and Structural Change (CISC) http://www.nuigalway.ie/cisc and the Irish Centre for Social Gerontology (ICSG) http://www.nuigalway.ie/icsg


J.E. School of Business & Economics